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for the outback, bush or beach




Belkin 3-Outlet SurgePlus

Mini Travel Swivel Charger Surge Protector with Dual USB Ports

Patagonia Windbreaker

Accusantium quam, ultri eget tempor id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper ullamcorper

Water Bottle

The water is great to drink from the tap and expensive to buy at the store so it’s a good idea to bring a bottle when you head out for a hike or to the beach.


Slip – Slap – Slop! The very Aussie theme means to Slip on clothes Slap on a hat and Slop on Sunscreen. You can almost feel the hole in the UV layer above Australia. It takes no time to get burnt. So remember to Slop on the Sunscreen.

GoPro Dome Housing

The best way to catch the underwater and above water action.

Patagonia Windbreaker

Accusantium quam, ultri eget tempor id, aliquam eget nibh et. Maecen aliquam, risus at semper ullamcorper

Water Bottle

The water is great to drink from the tap and expensive to buy at the store so it’s a good idea to bring a bottle when you head out for a hike or to the beach.


Slip – Slap – Slop! The very Aussie theme means to Slip on clothes Slap on a hat and Slop on Sunscreen. You can almost feel the hole in the UV layer above Australia. It takes no time to get burnt. So remember to Slop on the Sunscreen.


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